Sunday 29 June 2008

How the instruments of the state are turned to oppression

Today the complainats of the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) about GP's and Job Centres passing on details about young women trying to escape forced marriages show the great danger that faces many of our fellow citizens as our rights to anonymity and privacy are eroded.

The problem is that some individuals use their professional status (GPs for example) or their access to public databases (To find where National Insurance numbers are being used ) to help people be tracked down.

In the case of young women trying to escape forced marriages this may lead to their deaths, or the enslavement of forced marriages.

The larger the databases of the state become, the less anyone will be able to hide.

And the weak point in the system, as with most other security systems, is the people with access to the data.

Who can guarantee that an abusive family won't be able to get a sympathetic policeman or doctor or civil servant to use their access to data to track people down ?

If you combine this with national identity cards which need to be regularly used then there will be no escape for these people. We will have enslaved a whole generation of young women (and men ! )

Its happening now in microcosm - but it has the potential to be far worse. These outcomes were never intended when these systems were created, and yet they are very real consequences with us today, as ACPO have confirmed.

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